599 esperti firmano un appello per l'espulsione di Israele dall'ONU

Pino Arlacchi, ex vice Segretario delle Nazioni Unite, è il primo firmatario di una petizione rivolta al presidente dell'Assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Unite

599 esperti firmano un appello per l'espulsione di Israele dall'ONU

Un appello coraggioso promosso da Pino Arlacchi, già vicesegretario generale dell’ONU, come primo firmatario e che conta l'adesione di 599 studiosi ed esperti chiede all’Assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Unite di espellere Israele. Il documento intitolato è indirizzato al presidente camerunense dell'Assemblea Onu, Philemon Yang. Al suo interno si denuncia la persistente violazione del diritto internazionale da parte dello Stato di Israele e si sollecita un'azione immediata per proteggere la legittimità del sistema legale globale e i diritti del popolo palestinese.

Le violazioni denunciate


L’appello mette in luce una serie di trasgressioni storiche e attuali commesse da Israele, a partire dal mancato rispetto delle risoluzioni fondamentali delle Nazioni Unite:

    Risoluzione 181 (1947): che sanciva la creazione di uno Stato palestinese.
    Risoluzione 194 (1948): che garantiva il diritto al ritorno dei rifugiati palestinesi.
    Risoluzione 273 (1949): che ammetteva Israele nell’ONU condizionandone il rispetto delle precedenti risoluzioni.

Secondo i firmatari, Israele ha anche ignorato l’opinione consultiva della Corte Internazionale di Giustizia (ICJ) del 2004, che condannava la costruzione del muro di separazione e ribadiva il diritto dei palestinesi all’autodeterminazione.

Israele, sostengono, ha inoltre violato molteplici risoluzioni del Consiglio di Sicurezza e ha messo in atto atti ostili contro organismi ONU, tra cui attacchi a strutture come l’UNRWA e l’UNIFIL, oltre a rifiutare ripetutamente la cooperazione con inviati e commissioni dell’ONU.

Genocidio e apartheid

Il documento sottolinea come le politiche israeliane nei confronti del popolo palestinese rappresentino una forma di genocidio ed epurazione etnica. L’acquisizione forzata di terre, la repressione dei diritti e l’oppressione sistematica vengono descritte come una minaccia esistenziale per i palestinesi, violando i principi cardine della Carta delle Nazioni Unite.

L’appello richiama il caso del Sudafrica durante l’apartheid, quando, nel 1974, l’Assemblea Generale espulse il governo sudafricano a causa della sua politica di segregazione razziale e della negazione del diritto all’autodeterminazione. I firmatari affermano che il caso israeliano sia altrettanto grave, se non più, e che il recente parere della ICJ (luglio 2024) fornisca una base legale solida per agire.

Un’azione necessaria e urgente

Secondo Arlacchi e gli altri promotori, l’espulsione di Israele dall’Assemblea Generale rappresenterebbe un passo cruciale per:

    Affermare il diritto all’autodeterminazione del popolo palestinese, come richiesto dalla risoluzione del 18 settembre 2024.
    Preservare la credibilità del sistema legale internazionale, minacciata dalla continua impunità israeliana.

Un messaggio per il futuro dell’ONU

L’azione proposta non è solo una risposta alle violazioni di Israele, ma anche un segnale della volontà dell’ONU di difendere i suoi principi fondanti e proteggere i diritti dei popoli oppressi. Espellere Israele, afferma l’appello, rappresenterebbe un passo decisivo verso la giustizia per il popolo palestinese e un rafforzamento della legittimità dell’ordine internazionale.

Con questo appello, i 599 esperti invitano la comunità internazionale a dimostrare che, a quasi 80 anni dalla sua fondazione, l’ONU sia ancora impegnata nella promozione della pace, della giustizia e della dignità per tutti i popoli.

Questi i firmatari:

1. Pino Arlacchi (Former UN Undersecretary General, 1997-2002)
2. Alfred de Zayas (UN Independent Expert on International Order (2012-18), former
Secretary, UN Human Rights Committee; Professor, Geneva School of Diplomacy)
3. Katherine Iliopoulos (International Lawyer, Former United Nations Legal Adviser)
4. Ahmed Abdellah (UN, Programme Officer)
5. Dr. Lex Takkenberg (Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development, Senior Advisor
on the Question of Palestine)
6. Shahd Hammouri (University of Kent, Lecturer in Law)
7. Abdelghany Sayed (Kent Law School, Postgraduate Researcher)
8. Omar Auf (British University in Egypt, Assistant Lecturer)
9. James Yap (Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Adjunct Professor)
10. Huwaida Arraf (Human Rights Attorney)
11. Maryam Jamshidi (University of Colorado Law School, Associate Professor of Law)
12. Samir Abed-Rabbo (CAIS, Director)
13. Randa Naffa (SADAQA, Director)
14. Yumna Abuhassan (Human Rights Activist and Humanitarian Worker, Programs
15. Mahvish Ahmad (London School of Economics and Political Science, Assistant Professor
in Human Rights and Politics, Co-Director LSE Human Rights)
16. Gonzalo Sánchez-Terán (CIHC, Deputy Humanitarian Trainings Director)
17. Mohammad Fadel (University of Toronto Faculty of Law, Professor of Law)
18. Saeed Bagheri (University of Reading, Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in International
19. Pablo Araya Zacarías (Pal Law Commission, Abogado)
20. Hüseyin Di?li (Bogazici University Faculty of Law, Lecturer)
21. Adele Tufford (Radboud University, Netherlands)
22. Luigi Daniele (Nottingham Law School, Senior Lecturer)
23. Mohammad Afshary (Law School, University of Kent, Senior Lecturer)
24. John Reynolds (Maynooth University)
25. Rose Parfitt (Kent Law School, University of Kent, Senior Lecturer)
26. Dr. Shaida Nabi (Independent, Researcher)
27. Fatima Rawan (UoE, Lecturer)
28. Fariquain Shah (Alexander Bennett Solicitors, Partner)
29. ?eyma Zorlu (WOLAS - Worldwide Lawyers Association, Lawyer)
30. Dr. Souheir Edelbi (Western Sydney University, Lecturer, School of Law)
31. Mohammad Antabli (Palmyra Relief, Trustee)
32. Dr. Adil Hasan Khan (Melbourne Law School)
33. Jessica Whyte (University of New South Wales, Associate Professor of Philosophy)
34. Julia Dehm (La Trobe University, Senior Lecturer)
35. Dr. Lubaaba Al-Azami (University of Manchester, Lecturer)
36. Dr. Lena El Malak (Independent Legal Consultant and Author of Stolen Nation: The Right
to Reparation of Palestinian Refugees under International Law)
37. Lila Tamea (PhD Researcher)
38. Zainab Naqvi (Manchester Metropolitan University)
39. Randa Farah (University of Western Ontario, Associate Professor)
40. Derek Silva (King’s University College, Associate Professor)
41. Mary Anne Farah (Humanist Ceremonies, Owner)
42. Haris Jamil (University of Melbourne)
43. Lydia Morgan (University of Birmingham Law School, Associate Professor)
44. Ari Ja’fari (University of Exeter)
45. Jo Bluen (London School of Economics, South African Jews for a Free Palestine)
46. Raz Segal (Stockton University, Associate Professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies)
47. Shaimaa Abdelkarim (University of Birmingham, Assistant Professor)
48. Sanam Amin (University of Melbourne, PhD Candidate)
49. Sahar Aziz (Rutgers University Law School, Distinguished Professor)
50. Hannah Appel (UCLA, Associate Professor of Anthropology, International Development
Studies, and Global Studies)
51. Karameh Hawash Kuemmerle (Doctors Against Genocide, Co-Founder)
52. Nidal Jboor (Doctors Against Genocide, Co-Founder)
53. Darryl Li (University of Chicago)
54. Amanda Wise (Macquarie University, Professor of Sociology)
55. Wael Sawah (Pro-Justice, President)
56. Nasser Halasa (National Aviation University, Professor)
57. Nicola Perugini (University of Edinburgh, Associate Professor)
58. Shehla Khan (University of Derby, Associate Lecturer)
59. Suhraiya Jivraj (University of Kent, Reader/Associate Professor in Law & Social Justice)
60. Rehana Parveen (University of Birmingham Law School, Associate Professor)
61. Malsa Mujuthaba (University of Exeter, Social Data Science Undergraduate Student)
62. Samer Abdelnour (University of Edinburgh, Associate Professor)
63. Francesco Amoruso (Boston University, Lecturer in Political Economy)
64. Douglas Barber (University of Exeter, Masters Student)
65. Jeff Handmaker (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Associate Professor)
66. Carin Tunaker (University of Kent, Lecturer in Law)
67. Manou Gomlich (PhD Researcher)
68. Shadia Touqan (Independent Expert and Scholar, Specialist in PhD Urban Development
and Impact of Occupation)
69. Gabi Helfert (Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Director of
Educational Excellence)
70. Usha Natarajan (Yale University)
71. Arthur Mayfield Howson (University of Exeter, LLB Graduate)
72. Donatella Alessandrini (Kent Law School, Professor)
73. Salim Najia (Justice to Palestine)
74. Heidi Matthews (Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Assistant Professor)
75. Tom Frost (University of Kent, Senior Lecturer)
76. Irene van Staveren (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Professor of Economics)
77. Iasmine Abdennabi (Independent, Corporate In-House Counsel)
78. Max Weiss (Princeton University, Associate Professor of History)
79. Sarah Baltazar (SFSU, Alumni)
80. Kyla Ginsberg (Berkeley Unified School District, Educator)
81. Rula Abdelhamid (Private School, School Principal)
82. Nayrouz Abu Hatoum (Concordia University, Associate Professor)
83. Yolande Jansen (University of Amsterdam, Associate Professor, Political Philosophy)
84. Nahla (Carleton University, Chancellor's Professor of Sociology)
85. Juan (Tilburg University, Postdoc)
86. Amira Abdelhamid (University of Portsmouth, Assistant Professor)
87. Hilal Be?ikçi (Türkiye Palestine Mental Health Network)
88. Anamika (Bristol Law School, Teaching Associate)
89. Ahmed Raza Memon (Cardiff University, Lecturer)
90. Anya Topolski (Radboud University Netherlands, Associate Professor, Ethics and
Political Philosophy)
91. Jordana Silverstein (Melbourne Law School, Senior Research Fellow)
92. Dr. Ghada Ageel (University of Alberta, Visiting Professor)
93. Dr. Sara Dehm (Faculty of Law, University of Technology Sydney, Senior Lecturer)
94. Muhannad Ayyash (Mount Royal University, Professor of Sociology)
95. Michael Bader (University of Melbourne)
96. Tanvee Nandan (UniMelb)
97. Apoorva Sharma (La Trobe University)
98. Maha Abdallah (Faculty of Law, University of Antwerp, Graduate Teaching Assistant &
PhD Researcher)
99. Aman (University of New South Wales & OP Jindal Global University, PhD Candidate
UNSW; A/Prof of Legal Practice JGU)
100. I??l Aral (Koç University, Assistant Professor)
101. Roschanack Shaery (University of Antwerp, Associate Professor of History)
102. Gert Van Hecken (University of Antwerp, Assistant Professor)
103. Yusuf Adam (Nelson Mandela University, Alumni, Doctor in Business Administration)
104. Dr. Tomaso Ferrando (University of Antwerp, Faculty of Law, Associate Research
105. Karel Arnaut (KU Leuven, Professor of Social and Cultural Anthropology)
106. Astrid Jamar (University of Antwerp, Postdoctoral Fellow)
107. Sami Zemni (Ghent University, Belgium, Full Professor)
108. Keyvan Dorostkar (University of New South Wales Law School, PhD Candidate)
109. John Barry (Queen's University Belfast, Professor)
110. Yibo Li (Faculty of Law, University of Antwerp, PhD Researcher)
111. Azadeh Sobout (Queen's University Belfast, Research Fellow)
112. Siobhán Wills (Ulster University, Professor)
113. Dylan Asafo (University of Auckland, Senior Lecturer)
114. Linda Alkalash (Tamkeen for Legal Aid and Human Rights, Executive Director)
115. Julie McCandless (Kent Law School, UK, Senior Lecturer)
116. Maha Jadallah Harper (ATLAS, Director)
117. Lena Imeraj (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
118. Saul Takahashi (Osaka Jogakuin University, Professor of Human Rights and Peace
119. Dr. Lewis Turner (Newcastle University, Senior Lecturer in International Politics)
120. Dr. Laura Griffin (La Trobe University, Senior Lecturer)
121. Dr. Ozlem Susler (La Trobe University, Law School, Senior Lecturer)
122. Sumedha Choudhury (University of Melbourne)
123. Hanan Sahmoud (Melbourne University, LLM)
124. André Dao (Melbourne Law School, Postdoctoral Research Fellow)
125. Jim Roche (Technological University Dublin, Senior Lecturer)
126. Niamh Ní Bhriain (Transnational Institute, The Netherlands, Researcher and
Programme Coordinator)
127. Saadat Pirzada (Kent Law School, Postgraduate Researcher)
128. Mairead Enright (University of Birmingham, Professor of Law)
129. Ameni Ben Sik Ali (Carthage University, PhD Candidate)
130. Laura Betancur (Universidad de los Andes)
131. Mustafa Kemal Coskun (Associate Professor Doctor, Ankara University, Faculty of
Letters, Sociology Department)
132. Dr. Asli Telli (Wits University)
133. Vincent Bellinkx (Post-doctoral researcher, University of Antwerp)
134. Esra Mungan (Assoc. Professor, Bo?aziçi University)
135. Dr. Ülkü Güney (University of Graz)
136. Devanshi Saxena (Graduate Teaching Assistant & PhD Researcher, University of
137. Umut Özsu (Professor of Law and Legal Studies, Carleton University)
138. Hasret Cetinkaya (Manchester Metropolitan University)
139. Paola Rivetti (Associate Professor, School of Law and Government, Dublin City
140. Koen Bogaert (Associate Professor, Ghent University, Department of Conflict and
Development Studies)
141. Johanna Couvée (PhD researcher, Ghent University)
142. Soline Ballet (PhD Candidate, Ghent University)
143. Dr. Katharina Grueneisl (Research Fellow, University of Nottingham)
144. Jorge Durán Solórzano (PhD, Leiden University)
145. Dr. Fintan Sheerin (Full Professor, Maynooth University, Ireland)
146. Praggya Surana (PhD Candidate, Geneva Graduate Institute & Assistant Professor, OP
Jindal University)
147. Guido Vanham (Prof Emeritus Immuno-virology, Global Health Institute University of
148. Siobhán Airey (Assistant Professor, Erasmus University Rotterdam)
149. Jan Orbie (Professor, Ghent University)
150. Dr. Faisal Hamadah (Assistant Professor of Postcolonial Studies and Transnationalism,
Maastricht University)
151. Raoul Rombouts (PhD researcher, Ghent University)
152. Erin Fitz-Henry (Associate Professor, University of Melbourne)
153. Dr. Liam McGlynn (Lecturer, School of Social Sciences, Law and Education,
Technological University Dublin TU Dublin)
154. Eric Loefflad (Lecturer in Law, University of Kent)
155. Dena Kirpalani (Ph.D. Candidate, Graduate Institute Geneva)
156. Deborah Lawson (PhD researcher, School of Law, University of Liverpool)
157. Dr. Jamal Nabulsi (University of Melbourne)
158. Montserrat Abad Castelos (Professor of Public International Law, Universidad Carlos III
de Madrid, Spain)
159. Dr. Jasmin Johurun Nessa (University Teacher, University of Liverpool)
160. Fia Hamid-Walker (PhD Candidate/Human Rights Lawyer, Melbourne Law School)
161. Dr. Dianne Otto (Professorial Fellow, Melbourne Law School)
162. Padraig McAuliffe (Professor of Transitional Justice, University of Liverpool SLSJ)
163. Beverly Keene (Docente, Cátedra de Cultura para la Paz y los Derechos Humanos,
Facultad de Cs. Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires)
164. Juan Soroeta (Professor of International Law, University of the Basque Country)
165. Rania Muhareb (PhD Researcher, Irish Centre for Human Rights, School of Law,
University of Galway)
166. Dr. Rory Rowan (Assistant Professor of Human Geography, Trinity College Dublin)
167. John Sebastian (University of Melbourne)
168. Dr. Lara Palombo (Lecturer in Criminology, Macquarie University)
169. Dr. Thomas Lalevée (Research Officer, Australian National University)
170. Sonia Qadir (PhD Candidate, University of New South Wales)
171. Shaun McVeigh (Professor, Melbourne Law School)
172. Ali Salmande (PhD Student, University of New South Wales)
173. Tim Lindgren (Postdoctoral Fellow, Amsterdam Center for International Law)
174. Vincent Wong (Assistant Professor, University of Windsor)
175. Elliot Dolan-Evans (Lecturer, Monash Law School)
176. Dyala Hazmzah (Associate Professor, Université de Montréal)
177. Shohini Sengupta (PhD Candidate UNSW & Associate Professor JGU, University of New
South Wales & OP Jindal Global University)
178. Sajjad Ahmad (Assistant Professor, Politics and IR, Institute of Business Administration,
179. Illan Wall (Lecturer, University of Galway)
180. Emily Grabham (Professor, University of Kent)
181. Anil Yilmaz (Senior Lecturer, University of Essex)
182. Peter Slezak (Honorary Associate Professor, University of New South Wales)
183. Dr. Saika Sabir (Melbourne Law School)
184. Dr. Nathaniel Geoge (SOAS, University of London)
185. Gamze Erdem Türkelli (Associate Research Professor, University of Antwerp, Faculty of
186. Dr. Sinéad Coakley (Lecturer, Liverpool John Moores University)
187. Plixavra Vogiatzoglou (Postdoctoral researcher, University of Amsterdam)
188. Prof. Tanya Serisier (Professor in Criminology, Birkbeck, University of London)
189. Manju von Rospatt (MA Student in Social Policy and Development Studies, Erasmus
University Rotterdam)
190. Ntina Tzouvala (ANU College of Law)
191. Janet McKennedy (TU Dublin)
192. Yussef Al Tamimi (Assistant Professor of Law, Central European University)
193. Claerwen O’Hara (Lecturer, Law, La Trobe University)
194. Koen Slootmaeckers (Reader in International Politics, City St George’s, University of
195. Zoë Jay (Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki)
196. Matt Howard (Lecturer in Law, University of Kent)
197. Emiliano Márquez (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
198. Kanad Bagchi (Postdoctoral researcher, University of Amsterdam)
199. Zhonghua Du (PhD Candidate, University of Amsterdam)
200. Ben Murphy (Lecturer in Law, University of Liverpool)
201. Tendayi Achiume (Professor of Law, Stanford Law School)
202. Sara Troian (PhD Scholar, School of Law and Criminology, Maynooth University)
203. Moazzam Begg (Senior Director, CAGE International)
204. Dr. Liam Bagshaw (Independent)
205. Jill Toh (PhD researcher, University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Law)
206. Nada Awad (Palestinian activist)
207. Miriam Heipertz (PhD Candidate, University of Amsterdam)
208. Jonas Adriaensens (PhD Candidate, Ghent University)
209. Dr. Asim Qureshi (Research Director, CAGE International)
210. Triestino Mariniello (Professor, Liverpool John Moores University)
211. Maria La Falce (EAP Lecturer)
212. Gaetano Marco Latronico (PhD Student, Centre for Social Studies, University of
213. Shirin Rai (Professor, SOAS)
214. John Holman (Independent Researcher, PhD)
215. Dr. Tom Pettinger (Lecturer, University of Bradford)
216. Lúcia Arruda (PhD Student, Universidade Coimbra)
217. Matiangai Sirleaf (Nathan Patz Professor of Law, University of Maryland School of Law)
218. Luisa Karman (Doctoral Student, SOAS University of London)
219. Farida Ali (Alumni, University of Leeds)
220. Naks Bilal Vangahun (Research Analyst, Postgrad Law, City Law School)
221. Dr. Nina Farnia (Assistant Professor of Law, Albany Law School)
222. Madonna Lenaert (Coordinator and Artist, KASK Drama Ghent)
223. Claire Raissian (Postdoctoral researcher, School of Law, UCC)
224. Aintzane Márquez (PhD Student, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
225. Antoni Pigrau (Professor of Public International Law, Universitat Rovira i Virgili,
226. Anthony Burke (Professor, UNSW)
227. Azadeh Shahshahani (Legal & Advocacy Director, Project South; past president,
National Lawyers Guild)
228. Ata Hindi (Tulane)
229. Bal Sokhi-Bulley (Senior Lecturer in Law & Critical Theory, University of Sussex)
230. Xavier Pons-Rafols (Full Professor of Public International Law, University of Barcelona)
231. Susana Borràs-Pentinat (Associate Professor, Rovira i Virgili University)
232. Telma Baptista (SASUC, Coimbra, Portugal)
233. Dr. Tania Saeed (Associate Professor, Lahore University of Management Sciences
234. Adam Jones (Professor, Political Science, UBC Okanagan, Kelowna, Canada)
235. Caitlin Biddolph (Lecturer in International Relations, University of Technology Sydney)
236. Tariq Kenney-Shawa (Analyst, Al-Shabaka)
237. Nimer Sultany (Reader in Law, SOAS University of London)
238. Martina Sanchez (Student, UPF for Palestine)
239. Barry Trachtenberg (Rubin Presidential Chair of Jewish History, Wake Forest
240. Alessandra Arcuri (Professor, Erasmus University Rotterdam)
241. Ana Ivasiuc (Teaching Fellow, University College Dublin)
242. Fiona Murphy (Assistant Prof in Refugee Studies, Dublin City University)
243. Ike Helena (District Health Department Staff, Indonesia Health Ministry)
244. Deepak Nair (Senior Lecturer in International Relations, Australian National University)
245. Sian Troath (Australian National University)
246. Ahmad Rizky M. Umar (Researcher, Aberystwyth University)
247. Ann Curthoys (Professor Emerita, Australian National University)
248. Kirsten Ainley (Professor of International Relations, Australian National University)
249. Dr. Susan Fast (Professor Emerita, McMaster University)
250. Jarvis Brownlie (Professor of History (Settler Colonialism), University of Manitoba)
251. Erdem Kurto?lu (PhD Researcher, University of Birmingham)
252. Paul McArthur (Medical Doctor, Adjunct Prof in Family Medicine, UWO)
253. Richard Joyce (Senior Lecturer, University of Melbourne)
254. Amelia Plexman (Alumni, University of British Columbia)
255. Roos Creyghton (Junior Lecturer in Law, University of Amsterdam)
256. Katyayani Sinha (PhD Candidate, Melbourne Law School)
257. Laura J. Shepherd (Professor of International Relations, The University of Sydney)
258. Elise Klein (Associate Professor, ANU)
259. Latifah Budi (Gadjah Mada University)
260. Alfonso Gonzalez-Bondia (Associate Professor of Public International Law, Universitat
Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona)
261. Freya Higgins-Desbiolles (Adjunct, University of South Australia)
262. Rachel Hughes (Associate Prof of Geography, University of Melbourne)
263. Josipa Saric (Lecturer in Law, University of Kent)
264. Laurens Naudts (Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Amsterdam)
265. Víctor Fernández Massó (Investigador privado Policía Nacional Española, Perito
Judicial en Ciencias Criminológicas, Criminalísticas y Valorativas, Prades - España)
266. Adi Nugroho (PhD Student, University of New South Wales, Australia)
267. Joana da Palma Monbaron (PhD Candidate, Human Rights in Contemporary Societies,
Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra)
268. Ben Rogaly (Professor of Human Geography, University of Sussex)
269. Alejandro Gámez Selma (Lawyer, Red Juridica Law Firm)
270. Sanad Afaneh (University of Toronto Alumni)
271. Claudia Saba (Adjunct Professor of International Relations, Ramon Llull University)
272. Laura Feliu Martinez (Full Lecturer, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain)
273. Ángela Suárez Collado (Associate Professor, University of Salamanca)
274. Rafael Bustos (Senior Lecturer, University Complutense of Madrid)
275. José Carlos Requeijo Puente (Centro de Informática y Comunicaciones, Universidad
Pablo de Olavide)
276. Victoria Veguilla del Moral (Professor, Universidad Pablo de Olavide)
277. Germán Jaraíz Arroyo (Profesor Titular, Universidad Pablo de Olavide)
278. Laura Tomas (PhD, Pablo de Olavide University)
279. Francisco Aix Gracia (Associate Professor, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla)
280. Paloma Garrido (Universidad Pablo de Olavide)
281. Alessandra Spadaro (Utrecht University)
282. Mohamed Adhikari (Emeritus Associate Professor, University of Cape Town)
283. Susana (Head of International Office, University)
284. Dr. Blanca Camps-Febrer (Adjunct Professor, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
285. Maria J Beltran (Associate Professor, Pablo de Olavide University)
286. Marta González García de Paredes (Associate Professor of Political Science,
Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Department of Public Law)
287. Claudia Jiménez Cortés (Professor Titular de Universidad, Universidad Autónoma de
288. Bárbara Azaola Piazza (Full Professor, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain)
289. José M. Delgado Farcía (Emeritus Professor, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville,
290. Alessandra Mezzadri (Reader in Global Development, SOAS)
291. Manuel Muñoz Bellerin (Profesor Contratado Doctor, Universidad Pablo de Olavide)
292. Isaías Barreñada (Lecturer in International Relations, Universidad Complutense de
293. Jorge Ramos Tolosa (Professor of Modern and Contemporary History, University of
294. Jean-Baptiste Harguindéguy (Assistant Professor, Universidad Pablo de Olavide)
295. María Cascales (Profesora Ayudante Doctor, Universidad Pablo de Olavide)
296. Fernando Rovetta Klyver (Lecturer of Philosophy of Law, University of Castilla-La
297. Laura Mijares (Associate Professor, Complutense University of Madrid)
298. Inmaculada Expósito Ramos (Associate Professor, Pablo de Olavide University, Seville,
299. Ana Vazquez Carpizo (Project Coordinator, Otros Mundos A.C.)
300. Amalia Vahí (Profesora de Geografía Humana, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, España)
301. Salvador Cutiño (Senior Lecturer in Criminal Law, Universidad Pablo de Olavide)
302. Dr. Huan Porrah Blanko (Lecturer of Social Anthropology, Universidad Pablo de
Olavide, Andalusia)
303. Francesco Vacchiano (Associate Professor, University Ca' Foscari, Venice)
304. Tom O'Connor (Lecturer (retired), Technological University Dublin)
305. Javier Escalera-Reyes (Professor of Social Anthropology, Universidad Pablo de Olavide)
306. Virginia de Alba Quiñones (Profesora Titular de Universidad, Universidad Pablo de
307. Rosa Varela Garay (Professor, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, España)
308. Pere Solà-Gussinyer (Catedràtic emèrit, Història Educació, UAB)
309. Mahdi Homazadeh (Faculty, Iranian Institute of Philosophy)
310. Hanan Saleh Hussein (Professor)
311. Asli Bali (Professor of Law, Yale University)
312. Rama Sahtout (Lecturer, Exeter University)
313. Hesham Abu-Sharar (University Professor, UAB Barcelona)
314. Martin Clark (Lecturer, La Trobe Law School)
315. Katarina Pijetlovic (Assistant Professor, Católica University, Portugal)
316. Emma Palmer (Senior Lecturer, Griffith Law School, Queensland, Australia)
317. James Parker (Associate Professor, Melbourne Law School)
318. Matthew Evans (Senior Lecturer in Law, Politics, and Sociology, University of Sussex)
319. Razie Hanafi (PhD Candidate, UNSW Sydney)
320. Duncan I. Wallace (Lecturer, Monash University)
321. Felim Mac Eoin (Veterinarian, University College Dublin)
322. José María Valcuende (Professor, Department of Social Anthropology, Basic
Psychology, and Public Health, Universidad Pablo de Olavide)
323. Samid Suliman (Senior Lecturer, Migration and Security, Griffith University)
324. Thieux Laurence (Permanent Lecturer, Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
325. Antonio Evangelista (Senior Officer, Retired, Interpol)
326. Lucía Fernández Amaya (Associate Professor, Universidad Pablo de Olavide)
327. Heba Youssef (University of Brighton)
328. Sandra Frans (PhD Candidate, University of Melbourne)
329. Eduardo Melero Alonso (Associate Professor, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
330. África Cuesta (Administrative Staff, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla)
331. Melania Brito Clavijo (PhD Candidate, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
332. Macarena Lozano Oyola (Associate Professor, Pablo de Olavide University)
333. Lien Arits (Alumna, Université St-Joseph de Beyrouth, Political Science Institute)
334. José Alberto Albarracín (Library Assistant, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, Spain)
335. José Francisco Jiménez-Díaz (Associate Professor, Universidad Pablo de Olavide)
336. Carmelo Faleh Pérez (Professor of Public International Law, ULPGC, Spain; Legal
Advisor, Spanish Association for International Human Rights Law)
337. Lucía Molina (Professor, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
338. Daniel Jiménez-Franco (Lecturer, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain)
339. Alejandro Piñuel (Filmmaker and PhD Candidate, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
340. Oscar Mateos (Associate Professor in International Relations, Ramon Llull University)
341. Nicolás Navarro Batista (Professor of Public International Law, Univ. de Las Palmas de
Gran Canaria, Spain)
342. Gabriel Cueto (Assistant Professor, Universidad de Oviedo)
343. Ana Pol Colmenares (Profesor Contratado Doctor, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain)
344. Pablo Lópiz (Profesor Contratado Doctor, Philosophy, Universidad de Zaragoza)
345. Alfonso Gutiérrez (Professor, Faculty of Education, Universidad de Valladolid, Segovia)
346. Maria Jose Lera (Associate Professor, Universidad de Sevilla)
347. Juan Manuel Aragüés (Professor, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain)
348. Pedro Almagro Blanco (Assistant Professor, Universidad de Sevilla)
349. Pilar Ramos (Permanent Lecturer, University of Seville, Spain)
350. Sara G. Cuesta (University Professor, Universidad de Valladolid)
351. Luis Torrego Egido (Professor, Universidad de Valladolid)
352. Alfonso Casani (Assistant Professor, Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
353. Miguel Ángel Olalla Acosta (Associate Professor, Universidad de Sevilla)
354. Isidoro Moreno (Emeritus Professor of Social Anthropology, Universidad de Sevilla)
355. Regina Jefferies (University of New South Wales)
356. Miguel Martinez Ramos (Associate Professor, Universitat Jaume I)
357. Carlos Villán Durán (President, Spanish Society for International Human Rights Law)
358. Vicente Manzano-Arrondo (Professor, Universidad de Sevilla)
359. Joshka Wessels (Associate Professor, Malmö University)
360. David Sevilla González (Professor, University of Extremadura, C.U. Mérida)
361. Ignacio Forcada (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)
362. M del Valle Palenzuela (Associate Professor, Pablo de Olavide University)
363. Andrea Fernández (Associate Professor, Mataró University)
364. Marta Soler-Montiel (Senior Lecturer, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain)
365. Tomás de la Rosa Macías (Postdoctoral Fellow, Universidad de Cádiz)
366. Felipe Gómez Isa (Professor of International Law, University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain)
367. Joan Olivar Sánchez (Secretaria Técnica, TecnoCampus)
368. Tiziano Gomiero (PhD - Independent Scholar, Mogliano Veneto TV, Italy)
369. María Ángeles Toda Iglesia (Senior Lecturer, University of Seville, Spain)
370. María del Mar Lledo (Professor, UPV/EHU)
371. Marta García Quiñones (Associate Lecturer, TecnoCampus Mataró-Maresme, UPF)
372. David Peñafuerte Rendón (International Relations Officer, University of Jaén, Spain)
373. Joan Olivar Sánchez (Secretaria Tècnica, Mataró University)
374. Paula Barea Arroyo (PhD Candidate, University of Seville)
375. Caterina Calafat (Senior Lecturer, University of the Balearic Islands, Spain)
376. Marta Rodríguez-Cruz (Associate Professor, University of Seville)
377. Gracia Moreno-Amador (Universidad Pablo de Olavide)
378. Andy Eric Castillo Patton (Postdoctoral Researcher, Universidad Complutense de
379. Anna Stavrianakis (Professor of International Relations, University of Sussex)
380. Nicolas Boeglin (Professor of Public International Law, Law Faculty, University of Costa
Rica, UCR)
381. Christopher Parker (Professor, Conflict & Development Studies, Ghent University)
382. Caterina Calafat (Senior Lecturer, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain)
383. Adela Muñoz Páez (Professor, University of Sevilla)
384. Stephen Pearson (Language Advisor, Universitat de les Illes Balears)
385. Lorena Ruiz (Assistant Professor, Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
386. Alejandro Forero-Cuellar (Lecturer, University of Barcelona)
387. Jef Ausloos (University of Amsterdam)
388. Victor Morales Flórez (Associate Professor, University of Seville
389. Zsuzsanna Deen-Racsmány, Ph.D. (Independent Researcher/Consultant)
390. Anna Raventós Barangé (Retired Professor, Universidad de Sevilla)
391. Mariona Ginebra (PhD Student, Universitat de Barcelona)
392. González Canosa Alejandra (Sevilla)
393. Jose Oliver (PTU Jubilado, Universidad de La Laguna, Spain)
394. José A. Musso (Professor of Public International Law, UCSE, Argentina; Executive
Director, Spanish Society for International Human Rights Law)
395. Randle DeFalco (Assistant Professor of Law, Widener University Delaware Law School)
396. Jordi Calvo (Professor, Universitat Ramon Llull)
397. Pere Rosselló Bover (Catedràtic, Universitat de les Illes Balears)
398. Ariadna Vázquez Garcia (Associate Professor, TecnoCampus Mataró-Maresme
399. Caterina Calafat (Senior Lecturer, University of the Balearic Islands, Spain)
400. Lucía Alcántara Rubio (PSI, Universidad de Sevilla)
401. Águeda Parra Jiménez (Universidad de Sevilla)
402. Mario Rodríguez Pérez (PhD Candidate, Universidad de Sevilla)
403. Ben Whitham (Research Associate, SOAS University of London)
404. Alejandro Forero-Cuellar (Lecturer, University of Barcelona)
405. Elena Algaba González (Master's Student, Universitat de Barcelona)
406. Antonio Bernat-Vistarini (Professor, Universitat de les Illes Balears)
407. Andrew Woolford (Professor, University of Manitoba)
408. Lorena Alemán Aróstegui (Profesora Ayudante Doctora, Universidad Pública de
409. José A. Brandariz (Professor, University of A Coruna)
410. Esperanza León (Profesora Titular, Universidad de Sevilla)
411. Donatella Della Porta (Professor of Political Science, Scuola Normale Superiore)
412. Maja Janmyr (Professor, University of Oslo)
413. Maëlle Noir (Researcher, Irish Centre for Human Rights, University of Galway)
414. Sharmin Tania (Lecturer, Curtin Law School)
415. Kurniawan Todi (Founder & Writer, Creative Films Community)
416. Marina Macho Román (Student, University of Seville)
417. Erin Gaura (PhD Researcher, University of Galway)
418. Kate Bedford (Professor, University of Birmingham)
419. Afif Abdul Qoyim (Lawyer, YLBHI - Indonesia Legal Aid Foundation)
420. José Luis López de Lizaga (Profesor Titular de Filosofía, University of Zaragoza, Spain)
421. Iñaki Rivera Beiras (Full Professor of Penal Law and Criminology, University of
422. María José Molina Ramírez (Técnica de Apoyo a la Investigación, Universidad Pablo de
423. Nadi Nouaouri (Assistant Professor, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville, Spain)
424. Ignacio Mendiola (Profesor Agregado, Universidad del País Vasco)
425. Issa Talal El Abur (Professor of Surgery, University of Zaragoza)
426. Lux Eterna (Creative Lead, Citizen’s Assembly for Decolonial Practice & World Building,
427. Harshad Pathak (PhD Researcher, University of Geneva)
428. Dr Muhammad Ashfaq (Researcher, University of St Andrews)
429. Dr Zsuzsanna Deen-Racsmány (Researcher, International Law, Independent)
430. Brunilda Pali (Assistant Professor, University of Amsterdam)
431. Dr Andree Dignon (Senior Lecturer, Retired, in Research Methods, Coventry
432. Omar Yousef Shehabi (Visiting Professor of Law, McGeorge School of Law, University
of the Pacific)
433. Jake Levitan (JD Candidate, University of California, Berkeley, School of Law)
434. Viviane Saglier (Lecturer, University of St Andrews)
435. Ali Hammoudi (Assistant Professor, University of Windsor Faculty of Law)
436. Sara Miellet (Researcher, University of Applied Sciences Utrecht)
437. Joshua M. Makalintal (Recent Postgraduate in Social and Political Theory, University of
438. Neil Balan (Contract Teaching Faculty, SMU, Dalhousie University, WLU)
439. Brenna Bhandar (Associate Professor, UBC)
440. Helyeh Doutaghi (Associate Research Scholar, Yale Law School)
441. Oishik Sircar (Independent, Independent)
442. Bahia Mokrani (Journalist, Independent)
443. Mauro Gatti (Associate Professor, University of Bologna)
444. José Elías Turizo Vanegas (Profesor de Cátedra, Universidad de los Andes)
445. Arbaz Muzaffer (Doctoral Researcher, Law, University of Birmingham)
446. Daniel Stein (Assistant Professor, OP Jindal Global University)
447. Amy Strecker (Associate Professor, University College Dublin)
448. Nora Jaber (Lecturer in Law, UoE)
449. Eva Nanopoulos (Reader in Law, Queen Mary University of London)
450. Lana Tatour (Senior Lecturer, University of New South Wales)
451. Lamis J. Deek (Director of Legal and Diplomatic Affairs, PAL Law Commission)
452. Marie Thøgersen (PhD Fellow, University of Copenhagen)
453. Nicola Soekoe (Counsel, Pan African Bar Association of South Africa, PABASA)
454. Sladjana Lazic (Assistant Professor, University of Innsbruck)
455. Julie Billaud (Associate Professor, The Geneva Graduate Institute)
456. Sabaa Ahmad Khan (Attorney, Independent)
457. James Smith (Lecturer, University College London)
458. Estella Carpi (Associate Professor, University College London)
459. Hugo Lundberg (Doctoral Candidate in International Law, Gothenburg University)
460. Priyanka Borpujari (PhD Candidate, Dublin City University)
461. Sheetal Soni (Senior Lecturer, University of KwaZulu-Natal)
462. Barbara Wien (Retired Professor, American University)
463. Judy Haiven (PhD, Retired Professor, St. Mary’s University; Member, Independent
Jewish Voices Canada)
464. Kamilla Saadi (Étudiante, Université de Montréal)
465. Ingunn Elisabeth Stray (Associate Professor in Education, University of Agder, Norway)
466. Graham Cowle (Master of Strategic Studies, Wellington University)
467. Ankita R (Postdoc, Georgia Institute of Technology, US)
468. John Hobbs (PhD Candidate, Otago University)
469. Michelle Pace (Professor, Roskilde University)
470. Suraj Girijashanker (Assistant Professor / Doctoral Candidate, Jindal Global Law School
/ UCLA Law)
471. Anders Hardig (Senior Professorial Lecturer, School of International Service, American
472. Achin Vanaik (Retired Professor, University of Delhi)
473. Sarah Katz-Lavigne (Senior Researcher, University of Antwerp)
474. Mohammad Shahabuddin (Professor of International Law and Human Rights,
University of Birmingham)
475. Laurence Teillet (HP Lecturer, Nottingham Law School, Nottingham Trent University)
476. Elaine McIlwraith (Affiliated, University of Western Ontario)
477. Ruba Salih (Professor of Anthropology, University of Bologna)
478. Vidya Kumar (Senior Lecturer in Law, SOAS, University of London)
479. Anwesha Dutta (Senior Researcher, Chr. Michelsen Institute)
480. Jennie Read (GP, Independent)
481. Anchita Dasgupta (JD Student, University of California, Berkeley School of Law)
482. Francis Freeman-Moore (Law Student, UC Berkeley)
483. Saheli Chatterjee (PhD Student, The Geneva Graduate Institute)
484. Arshia Sana (Alumni, University of Westminster)
485. Antonio De Lauri (Research Professor, Chr. Michelsen Institute)
486. Sheetal Soni (Senior Lecturer in International Law, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South
487. Richard Jackson (Professor of Peace Studies, University of Otago, New Zealand)
488. Justin Winchester (DPhil Law Candidate, University of Oxford)
489. Belen Natiello (Teacher, UBA)
490. Nathalie Paris (Postdoctoral Researcher, Università degli Studi di Genova)
491. Federico Di Traglia (Researcher, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia –
Osservatorio Vesuviano)
492. Sierra Anseeuw (JD Candidate, University of California, Berkeley School of Law)
493. Ignacio Álvarez-Ossorio (Professor of Arab and Islamic Studies, Universidad
Complutense de Madrid)
494. Nadine Sherani (Head of International Advocacy Division, The Commission for the
Disappeared and Victims of Violence - KontraS)
495. Jessenia Destarini Asmoro (The Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of
Violence - KontraS)
496. Eskandar Sadeghi-Boroujerdi (Associate Professor in the Modern History of the Middle
East, University of York)
497. Gerardo Echeita (Emeritus Professor, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
498. José Antonio González Jurado (Professor, Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla)
499. Paulino Jorge García Molero (Student, UNED)
500. Irina Fernández Lozano (Assistant Professor, UNED, Spain)
501. Jorge Guerrero Zotano (Student, UNED, Spain)
502. Lucia Martinez Bernal (Almenara Blanca)
503. Farhang Rouhani (Professor of Geography, University of Mary Washington)
504. Rosario Cubero-Pérez (Professor, Universidad de Sevilla)
505. Teresa Jurado Guerrero (Full Professor, UNED, Madrid, Spain)
506. Eloy Medina (English Studies Graduate and Teacher Formation Master's Degree,
Spanish National University of Distance Learning - UNED)
507. Mónica Sarabia Barquero (Project Manager, UNED)
508. Marc Manso i Pujol (PhD Researcher, Faculty of Law, University of Barcelona)
509. Javiera Farias (PhD Researcher, Faculty of Law, University of Barcelona)
510. Nadia Silhi Chahin (PhD Candidate, University of Edinburgh)
511. Siwar Hamdan Salameh (Pedagoga y Psicóloga, UNED)
512. Afshin Matin-Asgari (Middle East History Professor, California State University, Los
513. Alberto López Bargados (Professor, Universitat de Barcelona)
514. Fabiana Bepres (Docente, Universidad Nacional de Jujuy-Argentina)
515. Antonella Bacigalupo (Doctoral Researcher, SBOHVM, University of Glasgow)
516. Barzin Jafartash (PhD, University of Tehran)
517. Lina Alhafez (Associate Professor, UAB)
518. Fco. Gutiérrez (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Profesor Titular)
519. Sergey Vasiliev (Professor, Open University, the Netherlands)
520. Inmaculada Sánchez-Márquez (Pablo de Olavide University, Seville (Spain), Associate
Professor in Social Work and Social Services)
521. Manuel Delgado Ruiz (Departament d'Antropologia Social, Universitat de Barcelona,
Catedràtic (Professor))
522. Marc Morell (R?gas Str?di?a Universit?te, R?gas Tehnisk? Universit?te and the
Universitat de les Illes Balears, Visiting Leading Researcher, Part-time Associate
Professor and Part-time Lecturer)
523. Jose Luis Gordillo (University of Barcelona, Associate Professor)
524. Iqbal Salameh (Investegadora en informacion derechos humanos, UNED)
525. Ayman Shihadeh (SOAS University of London, Professor)
526. María José Masís Méndez (Universidad de Costa Rica, Profesora Asociada)
527. Deborah Alfaddaghi (Art and Wilderness Institute, teacher)
528. Reza Zia-Ebrahimi (King's College London, Reader in History)
529. Celia García (UNED, Grado Filosofía, Alumna)
530. Theodora Valkanou (University of Copenhagen)
531. Rajaie Dajani (Private Sector, Attorney at Law)
532. Daniel Cascado (University of Seville, Professor)
533. Dr Maia Holtermann Entwistle (Queen Mary University of London, Fellow in Politics
and International Relations)
534. James Eastwood (Queen Mary University of London, Senior Lecturer in Politics and
International Relations)
535. Halim Rane (Griffith University, Professor)
536. Taina Maki Chahal (Lakehead University, Lecturer in War & Violence)
537. Abdulmalik Kolawole (University College Cork, Student)
538. Marta Pinto da Cruz (University of Amsterdam, PhD candidate)
539. Michelle Farrell (University of Liverpool, Professor)
540. Shannon Moria Keane (Ibn Haldun University, Master’s Student)
541. Dr Helen O’Nions (Nottingham Law School, Associate Professor of Law)
542. Kushagr Bakshi (University of Michigan Law School, SJD Candidate)
543. Naz?m Sinan Odaba?? (Alt?nba? University, Assistant Professor, Public International
544. Luigi Prosperi (Utrecht University, Assistant Professor)
545. Nesrine Badawi (The American University in Cairo, Associate Professor)
546. Hananya Sunderraj (UC Berkeley School of Law, Graduate Student)
547. Clare Maxwell (Geneva Graduate Institute, PhD Student)
548. Alfredo Feres (University of Brasilia, Associate Professor)
549. Diego Ianiro (Bologna, PhD and Social Sciences Teacher)
550. Christian Henderson (Leiden University, Assistant Professor)
551. Mai El-Sadany (Human Rights Lawyer)
552. Robert James Parsons (Independent, Researcher in Geo-Politics, Journalist, Geneva)
553. Francesca Helm (University of Padova, Associate Professor)
554. James Godfrey (University of Canberra, Australia, PhD Candidate)
555. Rasigan Maharajh (Tshwane University of Technology, Chief Director)
556. Donatella Della Ratta (John Cabot University, Associate Professor of Communication
and Media Studies)
557. Margherita Parrilla (Alto Esperto A.N.V.U.R. for Arts Italia, Firmo la Petizione)
558. Musa Muhammad (Federal University of Health Science Azare, Senior Lecturer)
559. Valentina Baú (Western Sydney University, Senior Research Fellow)
560. Rim Saab (University of Sussex, Lecturer)
561. Janus de Jong (Imperial College London, Master's Graduate)
562. Bob Bugter (Erasmus University, Master in Sociology)
563. Ejatu Jalloh (Anglia Ruskin University, Medical Science)
564. Koldobike Velasco Vázquez (ULPGC, Docente)
565. James Toth (Retired from Zayed University, Associate Professor)
566. Seraho Areni (Uruguayan Institute of Advanced Studies, Professor of Humanities)
567. Viviana Mazón (University of Antioquia, Medellín - Colombia, Associate Professor,
Library Science)
568. Javier Tapia (University of Costa Rica, Scientist, Institute for Psychological Research)
569. Jorge Barrientos Valverde (Universidad de Costa Rica, Historia)
570. Rebekah Kaump (University of California - Davis, Geography PhD Candidate)
571. Mathew Blatchford (University of Fort Hare, South Africa, Lecturer, English Studies)
572. Bruno Drweski (French National Institute of Foreign Studies INALCO)
573. Miquel Fernández i Gonzàlez (Departament de Sociologia i Antropologia Social.
Facultat de CCSS de la Universitat de València, Profesor acreditado Titular)
574. Auxiliadora Durán (Universidad de Málaga)
575. Guillermo Muñoz Matutano (Universitat de València, Research Fellow)
576. Leonor Sáez Méndez (Universidad de Murcia, Docente)
577. Judith Bello (Syria Support Movement and United National Antiwar Coalition, Board
Member/Administrative Committee Member, blog editor)
578. Francisco Bustamante (Universidad de la República, Uruguay, Prof. Adj.)
579. Assumpta Díaz Martín (UNED, Grado de Historia del Arte, Alumna)
580. Gara García Pérez (UNED, Antropología Social y Cultural)
581. Thomas Muhr (Iscte - University Institute Lisbon, Principal Researcher)
582. Muhammed Karayagli (Northumbria University, PhD Researcher)
583. Onni Ahvonen (University of Helsinki, Doctoral Researcher)
584. Anneke Newman (University of Ghent, Senior Postdoctoral Fellow)
585. Alnasir Samer (UNED, Spain, Postdoc Independent Scholar)
586. Ellie Johns (University of Brighton, Administrator)
587. Shi Tao Zhang (Independent, Law Student)
588. Malay Firoz (Arizona State University, Assistant Professor)
589. Jane Leahy (Palestine Action, Volunteer Activist)
590. Johannes Waldmüller (University of Vienna, Assistant Professor, Political Science)
591. Dr. Johannes van Aggelen (retired UN staff, retired Professor of Law, retired senior
human rights officer)
592. Laura Carballo Piñeiro (Universidade de Vigo, Professor of Private International Law)
593. Elif Durmu? (University of Antwerp, Postdoctoral Researcher in International Law)
594. Momodu Kassim-Momodu (Crescent University, Abeokuta, Nigeria, Professor and
Dean of Law)
595. Mustapha Jamillah (Crescent University, Bola Ajibola College of Law, Law Lecturer)
596. Chloe Kihlman (Lund University & Åbo Akademi University, Research Assistant & LL.M.
Student in IHRL)
597. Yunus Ismaeel (Crescent University, Abeokuta, Nigeria, HOD of Department of Islamic
and Customary Law)
598. Stefania Vlachou (McGill University, Faculty of Law, PhD Student)
599. Alreem Kamal (LLM NYU, LLM QMUL, International Lawyer)

La Redazione de l'AntiDiplomatico

La Redazione de l'AntiDiplomatico

L'AntiDiplomatico è una testata registrata in data 08/09/2015 presso il Tribunale civile di Roma al n° 162/2015 del registro di stampa. Per ogni informazione, richiesta, consiglio e critica: info@lantidiplomatico.it


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